Saturday, February 28, 2009

University Students Bring Meds

Today a group of students from North Carolina State University visited us with a huge donation of medicines and medical supplies.

Students used every available spot in the clinic to begin unpacking the 20 large suitcases and duffel bags that were filled to bursting.

While others sorted and classified the thousands of small packets and boxes.

The organization of such a wealth of supplies is far from finished, but by mid-afternoon it was clear that the clinic's supply of basic meds has been replentished for at least a short while with (among lots of other things) ...

Medicines for pain.

Vitamins for adults, children and babies.

Needles of all different sizes for injections of different types.

And piles of gauzes, bandaids and cotton for cleaning and dressing wounds.

Amongst the piles of supplies are also many things that are used for emergencies or in hospitals that will be donated to the local volunteer Red Cross and to the new volunteer hospital in San Benito.